Merker.TVSet.Jet [Electronic / Dance]RELEASE: 14.11.2008LABEL: KonkordVERTRIEB: HoanzlWEBSITE:
Der Schub vor dem Abheben eines Jets ist ein passender Vergleich mit der Energie der Musik von Auf set.jet, dem ersten Album der Linzer Band fusionieren House, Electro, HipHop und Rock zu einem Sound, der so brachial aus dem Bauch kommt, dass der Groove in Folge auch passgenau in der Magengrube landet. The force of a jet taking off is a good comparison with the energy of’s music on their first album set.jet. The band from Linz/Austria brings together elements of HOUSE, ELECTRO, HIP HOP and ROCK into one sound that comes so brutally from the gut that the resulting groove goes straight to the pit of your stomach. The band classify themselves as Discopunk, with the singing Deephouse-DJ's Durmek and Merker producing the backing tracks. Their tunes are then turned into true Groovemonsters by Huckey (Texta) on the drums and through the guitar work of Jiri (Porn to hula). Dynamic, driving songs straight from the filthy underground dancefloors burrow deep into your head, ordering your hips to get down on it, leaving the chic, chill out crowd in their wake. All the tracks on this album are pedal to the metal, disco stompers that smell more of sweat and practice room than of perfume. The fact that this album drives so hard owes a lot to the contribution of HipHop Producer Dokta G.C, executive producer and mixer of set.jet. Final touches were given by Patrick Pulsinger who mastered the album. And then the whole package is completed perfectly with the wonderful cover art from Hans Schabus. (Quelle: Christoph Moser, Hoanzl, 12.11.2008) FORMAT: CD
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