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Giant Sand

Provisions [Rock / Alternative]

RELEASE: 05.09.2008

LABEL: Yep Roc Records

VERTRIEB: Cargo Records GmbH

THIS IS EROSION ROCK: Inaccurately yet affectionately dubbed "the Godfather of Alt. Country" by the British press, Tucson, Arizona-based musician Howe Gelb has remained the sole epicenter and creative force behind the ever-fluid configurations of ... MORE

Beta Satan

Girls [Rock / Alternative]

RELEASE: 29.08.2008

LABEL: Crunchy Frog

VERTRIEB: Cargo Records GmbH

Beta Satan are not out to please. They don't care about you. They don't care about your mother, your brother, your girlfriend or your dog. Or what you think about their music. Mixing avant-garde, melody and outbursts of heavy synths and guitars this ... MORE


Death In Athens [Rock / Alternative]

RELEASE: 29.08.2008

LABEL: Cargo Records

VERTRIEB: Cargo Records GmbH

Tracklist: 1. As The World Turns 2. Hallelujah New World 3. Obvious 4. Unique 5. Thinkin' About You 6. You Can't Hear Me 7. Flat Earth 8. Quiet World 9. One Life 10. Ready Or Not 11. Poisonous Kiss 12. Silver & ... MORE


Harmonia [Rock / Alternative]

RELEASE: 22.08.2008

LABEL: Rookie Records

VERTRIEB: Cargo Records GmbH

Ein helles Licht erstrahlt aus Finsterwalde Rock City. Dort, eine Autostunde von Berlin entfernt, entwickelten André Kunze (Gitarre, Gesang), Tilo Hustan (Schlagzeug, Klavier) und Christian Heinrich (Bass, Fußorgel) ihre ganz eigene Hommage an den ... MORE

Walls Of Jericho

The American Dream [Hard / Heavy]

RELEASE: 22.08.2008

LABEL: Trustkill

VERTRIEB: Cargo Records GmbH

Hailing from Detroit, Walls of Jericho release their highly anticipated 4th CD for Trustkill Records on July 29. Produced by Ben Schigel (Chimaira/Ringworm) The American Dream follows the mesh of metallic venom and concrete fury of hardcore/punk ... MORE

Gaslight Anthem, The

The '59 Sound [Rock / Alternative]

RELEASE: 22.08.2008

LABEL: Side One Dummy

VERTRIEB: Cargo Records GmbH

The ’59 Sound could only start out one way: with the sound of a record player needle set down on a scratched-up record. Although New Brunswick, New Jersey’s The Gaslight Anthem have only technically been a band for two-and-a-half years, in that ... MORE

Rogers, Amanda

Heartwood [Rock / Alternative]

RELEASE: 08.08.2008

LABEL: Expect Candy

VERTRIEB: Cargo Records GmbH

"Heartwood", the title of Amanda Rogers 6th solo record release, is an impressive follow-up to her 2005 e.p. release, "Something Borrowed, Something Blue". After spending 2 years on the road in a veg-powered r.v., writing and performing with a rock ... MORE

Oxford Collapse

Bits [Rock / Alternative]

RELEASE: 08.08.2008

LABEL: Sub Pop

VERTRIEB: Cargo Records GmbH

BITS is album number four for Brooklyn’s Oxford Collapse, but it’s a first for them in many ways. Some of those ways will be immediately apparent to those of you who’ve followed their raucous, boyish exploits since their 2006 Sub Pop debut Remember ... MORE

Kim & The Cinders

Kim & The Cinders [Rock / Alternative]

RELEASE: 08.08.2008

LABEL: Crunchy Frog

VERTRIEB: Cargo Records GmbH

Der Vorhang hebt sich für Kim & The Cinders und ihr erstes Album. Den strahlenden Frontman der Band, Kim „Kix“ Jeppesen, kennen wir schon bestens von seinem anderen Bandprojekt Powersolo. Seit gut einem Jahr tritt er hin und wieder mit Material auf, ... MORE


Disgrace [Rock / Alternative]

RELEASE: 01.08.2008

LABEL: Storm Door Records/ Horus Music

VERTRIEB: Cargo Records GmbH

In UK schon längst von der Rockszene für ihre legendären Live Performances gefeiert, schwappt die Welle der Begeisterung nun auch nach Deutschland: KarmaDeva überzeugen durch dynamische Gitarrensounds, treibenden Bass und starke, ausdrucksvolle ... MORE

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Tenaglia, Danny

Maroon 5
Hands All Over

Sea Of The Dying Dhow


Carried To Dust

Romweber, Dex Duo
Ruins Of Berlin

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