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 Giant Sand
THIS IS EROSION ROCK: Inaccurately yet affectionately dubbed "the Godfather of Alt. Country" by the British press, Tucson, Arizona-based musician Howe Gelb has remained the sole epicenter and creative force behind the ever-fluid configurations of ... MORE |
 Southern Culture On The Skids
"Countrypolitan transcends music. It's a lifestyle, not a category of music," says Southern Culture on the Skids front man, Rick Miller. "It's where rural and urban sensibilities meet. I mean, it's when you see trucker hats being sold in Beverly ... MORE |
 Apples In Stereo, The
Die zum ELEPHANT SIX Kollektiv gehörenden APPLES IN STEREO kehren nach fünf Jahren mit ihrem fünften Album "New Magnetic Wonder" zurück. Der unter anderem aus dem Kino-Hit ,Herr Der Ringe" bekannte Schauspieler und laut eigener Aussage ,Riesen ... MORE |
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