Foto:Adrian Recordings

Tilliander, Andreas

Show [Electronic / Dance]

RELEASE: 20.11.2009

LABEL: Adrian Recordings


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Stockholms Sympatikus Andreas Tilliander verpackt sein 4-Takt-Buchstaben-Faible in Schleifen. Mit seiner Definition von moderner Popmusik ist Tilliander international bekannt geworden. Hier sein neues Album...

Andreas Tilliander, Schwede mit zwei Grammy-Nominierungen, machte sich einen wohlklingenden Namen in der so genannten "Clicks & Cuts"-Bewegung. Sein Album "Iljud" avancierte zur heißen Rille in engsten Zirkeln der elektronischen Musik.

Ein großes Stück Pop, House, Elecktro, Indie & Dub verschmilzt hier zu einer homogenen Masse. Inkl. drei Songs mit David Fransson von Division of Laura Lee am Gesang. Mit seiner Definition von moderner Popmusik ist Tilliander international bekannt geworden. "Show" ist seine 6. Veröffentlichung seit 2001.

Für Fans von: Zoot Woman, Grand National.

(Quelle: Alive!, 2009)

Five years after the release of the smash hit “World Industries” Andreas Tilliander’s new album “Show” is out on Adrian Recordings – stuffed with irresistible rhythms, catchy melodies and a sterling production, a blend of techno, dub, pop, acid and house. The king of Swedish electronic music is back on the throne!

"World Industries" was not only Andreas Tilliander’s real breakthrough in Sweden. The album also laid the foundation for the explosion of Swedish electronica and techno that has been gushing forth during the last years. Furthermore, "World Industries" cemented Hässleholm’s reputation as the no. 1 electronica town in Sweden! The album won a Grammy and received exuberant reviews in many papers.

During the five years that have passed since then, Andreas Tilliander has not been idle. He set up his own record label (Repeatle) and released four 12” with deep dub techno on the label. Under the name "Mokira" he released beautifully crackling ambient as well as rumbling drones/noise music. In the band "Bulgur Brothers" he served techhouse together with Mikael Stavöstrand and Johan Skugge. When you add his work as a mastering engineer, his hosting of the program Ström on Swedish national radio and his touring as an engine-man in Johan T Karlsson’s electro pop project "Familjen", you realize that Andreas Tilliander is not an idle man.

With “Show”, Andreas Tilliander takes his music one step further. His dub influences have become more obvious and the sound is darker and crispier without losing the warmth. Maybe this is because “Show” was recorded using old analogue synthesizers and hardware.
- The sound of modern samplers is too polished. I chose to use old machines because I like their flaws. Their jarring sounds make them come alive, Andreas explains.

David Fransson from "Division of Laura Lee/New Moscow" sings on three of the tracks, among them the obvious hit “Caught in a Riot”. Other guests include Jocke Berg and Martin Sköld from Kent. Jocke Berg makes a rare vocal contribution with another artist than his own band.
- When Familjen was touring with Kent in the spring of 2007 Jocke Berg heard one of the songs that David Fransson sings on. Jocke complained about never being requested to sing on other artists’ songs, so I said “why don’t you sing for me?”, to which he agreed! One week later he had written a melody and a lyric – the result is perfect, Andreas concludes.

Other guest vocalists includes legendary Swedish magician Henric de la Cour (Yvonne/Strip Music) and Familjen, that pays back for all the miles Andreas has travelled with him, as live musicians on Familjen tours.

The fact that Andreas has chosen to cooperate with indie singers and musicians instead of artists from the techno and house genre was not a deliberate strategy, according to Andreas.
- I didn’t intend to do a crossover. I have worked with them because I know them and like them both as persons and as musicians. I trust them and like spending time with them, and the result is like i want an Andreas Tilliander song to be.

During the spring Andreas is of interest not only because of his record “Show”. Under his alias "Mokira" he will also be releasing the album "Persona" on the English label Type Records.

Andreas Tilliander first made an international name for himself with his debut album “Ljud” (2001) on the legendary electronica label Mille Plateaux. After that he made a second album which was released on the same label, “Elit” (2002). His third album, “World Industries” (2004), was released by the Swedish label Pluxemburg and licensed to German Resopal and Japanese Poplot. Andreas has also released music under his aliases Mokira, Komp and Lowfour. He has also played in the bands Bulgur Brothers, Minimalistic Sweden and Familjen.

(Quelle: Adrian Recordings, 2009)


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