
Moto Boy [Pop]
WEBSITE: www.motoboy.se
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Glam-Rock mit Popappeal. Musikalisch klingt Moto Boy wie eine Mischung aus Jeff Buckley & einem David Lynch Soundtrack.
Moto boy is a one mans choir with a magnificent operaesque voice accompanied by high lonely tones on a hard rock guitar with the distortion pedal well hidden in the basement. A young beautiful man with rough jacket where fragile is confronted by hard and brutal. Nothing is as expected. Everything collide. The result is the same kind of hair-raising feelings that a Jeff Buckley song or a movie by David Lynch is able to produce.
Moto Boy is Oskar Humlebo, living in Malmö, Sweden. When we first saw him live our legs became weak. Weak as in “this can’t happen on a small stage in Sweden today”. It did and in January 2008 his self titled debut album was released in the Nordic countries. Since then he has taken the pop audiences by storm and during the year he has entered over 100 stages with a leather jacket, hard rock guitar, boots and a divine voice as attributes.
Moto Boy is released by the pop label Songs I wish I had written – home of The LK, Le sport and Gentle touch.
(Quelle: Alive!, 2009)