36 15 [HipHop / Rap]

RELEASE: 19.01.2007

LABEL: Big Dada/Ninja Tune

VERTRIEB: Rough Trade


Was war vor dem Internet? Richtig, Minitel und daher stammt der Titel des neuen Albums von TTC „3615“ (Big Dada / Ninja Tune / Rough Trade / 19.01.2007). Und dieser dritte Streich hat es aber auch wirklich in sich. War das erste Album noch dem Underground Hip Hop gewidmet, zielte bereits das zweite „Bastard Sensible“ mehr auf die Tanzflächen dieser Welt. Nun haben die Franzosen dazu noch den Pop entdeckt und brillieren mit einer waghalsigen Mischung verschiedener Beats und catchy Hooks. Im übrigen ist „3615“ Nr. 1 in den aktuellen Redaktionscharts der De:Bug und dort auch zur Platte des Monats gekürt worden.

The most innovative, risk-taking and outrageous hip hop act to come out of France in the last decade, TTC are back. With Cuiziner established as a heartthrob in the US, Teki Latex set to release a pop-rave album and Tido Berman concentrating on advanced, heavy-lidded sativation, the trio are taking things higher with their third album, “3615”. With production from the group’s flying helmet-wearing DJ, Orgasmic, the mighty Para One, Tacteel, Modeselektor and Tido himself, this is the band’s most consistent, distinctive effort.
The record kicks off with a nod to Monsieur Gainsbourg as TTC get finger-snapping on “Quand Je Claque Des Doigts”, Para One rigging up a beat that is as weird as it is catchy. “Paris Paris” drops love for the mostest city in the world over a martial rhythm, “Turbo” shows Para’s taste for emolectro. “Travailler” (“Work”) is all about making it look easy. “Ce Pou Vous” finds the group twisting r&b into new shapes for your benefit. “Antenne 2” is classic French pop chopped into small pieces and put back together. Tido contributes the wigged out instrumental “J’ai le son” before Tacteel throws in a terrifyingly satanic re-work of the hokey kokey and then the group get dirty on “Strip Pour Moi”. Only in France would an artichoke play such an important metaphorical role… “Ambition” is more uplifting kitsch, a reminder of the sweet, beating h
eart of the group. Finally, allies Modeselektor finish things off with some cut up club music.

Brearthtakingly clever, silly, profound, shallow and beautiful, “3615” is that rare thing, an album which sounds like no other.


1- Quand je claque des doigts (prod. Para One) 4'10
2- Paris Paris (prod. Orgasmic) 3'59
3- Turbo (prod. Para One) 3'56
4- (pas la peine d'appeler je ne réponds pas au) TELEPHONE (prod. Orgasmic) 3'19
5- Travailler (prod. Tacteel) 3'48
6- Cé pou vou (prod. Tido) 3'50
7- Antenne 2 (prod. Para One) 4'22
8- J'ai le son (prod. Tido) 2'38
9- Frotte ton cul par terre (prod. Tacteel) 3'08
10- Strip pour moi (prod. Para One) 3'24
11- Ambition (prod. Para One) 5'24
12- Une bande de mec sympa (prod. Modeselektor) 4'20

(Quelle: PR | Verstärker, 10.1.2007)

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