Tundra, Max

Parallax Error Beheads You [Electronic / Dance]

RELEASE: 17.10.2008

LABEL: Domino Records



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Soundbytes aus 30 Jahren Popgeschichte: drittes Album des Londoner Soundtüftlers.

Ein Mosaik der Sounds und Styles, ein Meisterwerk der Mikromelodien und ein Triumph des Editierens und Schneidens: All das ist "Parallax Error Beheads You", das dritte Album des Soundtüftlers Ben Jacobs alias Max Tundra. Der Londoner, der sich u. a. mit Remixen von Franz Ferdinand, Futureheads und Pet Shop Boys einen Namen machte, bedient sich auf dem Nachfolger seines 2002er-Albums "Mastered By Guy At The Exchange" bei den letzten 30 Jahren Popgeschichte. Indem er Soundbytes aus allen möglichen Genres zu einem einheitlichen, neuen Ganzen kombiniert, schaffte Tundra einen Mix, dessen Geschwindigkeit und Detailverliebtheit einen atemlos zurücklassen. Und fragt man ihn, wie viele Musiker er für diese Sisyphusarbeit brauchte, erstaunt die Antwort: nur einen - Max Tundra.

Kein Wunder also, dass er an "Parallax Error Beheads You" ganze sechs Jahre arbeitete. Dabei ist nicht alles ein Produkt der Computer und Technik: Auch Trompeten, Streicher, Gitarren sind zu hören, sogar ein Dulcimer und ein Xylofon - was halt so herumlag.

(Quelle: Indigo, 2008)

About Max Tundra by Owen Pallett
(Final Fantasy, ex-Arcade Fire, Last Shadow Puppets arranger)

Max and I met in Barcelona in 2005 at Primavera Sound. His slot was at 4am. He put on a mask, wrapped himself up in tape, and played forty minutes of music made mostly using Amiga sample tracker software from the late 1980s. There was virtuosic melodica playing, Pointer Sisters-style singing, and an eight-minute version of “So Long, Farewell” from The Sound Of Music. I was wasted and ended up passing out on a beach in my underwear. When the sun rose, I woke up with dried merengue and sand glued to my hair, and in a daze, I realized that I had just witnessed nothing less than the best music performance of my life.

What sets Max Tundra apart from any other band in the world is his attention to detail. This album is impossibly full of ideas, seeking out every imaginable sound in the world and giving each their own curtain call. When you listen to this album, you'd think that it was made by an eccentric millionaire, with every name-brand pop music producer in the world contributing their own two seconds of material. Upon closer inspection, you'd realize that it's been six years since “Mastered By Guy At The Exchange”; in that time, Max probably hasn't had a single good night's sleep.

I can't compare this record to any record I've ever heard before. Even Max's previous records are a distant echo. It is dance music, it is discourse, it is teen sex comedy, it is a video game, it is a dance troupe, it is a thirteen course meal with Amontillado. It is shock and awe. Listen and be humbled.

(Quelle: Owen Pallett, Domino Records, 2008)


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