
There has been a lot of anticipation for Voicemail's debut album in the dancehall community and Voicemail live up to the hype! Group members Craig, Kevin and Oniel have been building their name on the Jamaican music scene since their first recordings in 1999. Through consistent core hits, creative music videos and exciting stage shows the group have gathered a loyal following.
Working with the top producers under the guidance of Robert Livingston and the Big Yard Productions camp (Shaggy, Rik Rok) they deliver a strong debut album. "Hey!" is a wicked mix of party tunes that get you moving. Core hits "Weddy Time", "Jamaican Jiggas" and "Bring Ya Body Come" lead the charge and the latest single "Crazy" closes the deal. As each track plays the party mood heightens.
Be on the lookout for Voicemail touring in your country soon.
Check www.vprecords.com
1. Do It Again
2. Bring Ya Body Come
3. Crazy
4. Get On Up
5. Crunked
6. Ready To Party
7. Playing Games
8. Sign
9. Fatima
10. Jamaican Jiggas
11. Wacky Dip
12. Weddy Time
13. Dance Floor*
14. Shake That Thing*
15. Back To Basic*
16. Sweet Thang*
17. One Wish*
* CD bonus track
(Quelle: PR | Groove Attack, 13.6.2006)