Rocket Uppercut

This Beautiful Tragedy [Rock / Alternative]

RELEASE: 06.07.2007

LABEL: Modern Noise

VERTRIEB: Cargo Records GmbH


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Rocket Uppercut are committed to distorted guitars, energetic vocals and english lyrics. The band itsself calls this style “Indie-Noise-Rock.” That means screamo, psychedelic instrumentals, forwarding beats – but it also means not to neglect melodic and harmonic arrangements. Their retro reminiscent sound is furthermore endorsed by the use of an organ. Yet their sound is transparent, rich and ready for the 3rd millenium. At the Augsburger “Echolotstudios”, Sebastian Keller and Alaska Winter have proved their splendid production skills, as they have recorded Rocket Uppercut’s debut album “This Beautiful Tragedy”, which is now to go out the labels.

Good times…

After just half a year of live experience, Rocket Uppercut are to support Spanish Indie-Punk-Heroes „Tokyo Sex Destruction.“ Briefly after hat, supporting gigs for Spillsbury and German Indie-Legend Phillip Boa follow up. Furthermore Rocket Uppercut caught a support gig for up-coming Sweden rockers “The Horror, The Horror.”

The renowned German “Ox”-Fanzine puts the track „Why d’you tell me“ from their debut EP „The First Takes“ on their enclosed CD and publishes a detailed portrait of Rocket Uppercut in the same issue (August 2005).

In March 2006, Rocket Uppercut release a 7“ split-single together with The Spells in the UK. The record comes out on the British label “Leaving home Records.”

The „Süddeutsche Zeitung“, one of Germany’s three most read daily newspapers, announces a band contest for young German groups. 250 band applications had been sent, only 12 were to play the event called „Stadt-Land-Rock” on the famous “Tollwood”-festival. Rocket Uppercut are selected amog these twelve.

Many of Rocket Uppercut’s tracks have been spun by radio and club dj’s around the world. Airplays – amongst others – at WMFU (New York City, USA), Virgin Radio Xtreme (GB), No Wave Café (Japan), Radio Lancaster 87,7 FM (The Rachael Neiman Experience, GB), Zündfunk/Bayern 2, a. s. o.

Another British label takes notice of Rocket Uppercut: Flithy Little Angels publish the Rocket Uppercut track “Choices” on their christmas sampler „Hark, The Filthy Angels Sing.“

The cooperations with FLA continues: The Rocket Uppercut debut album „This Beautiful Tragedy“ will be published on Filthy Little Angels in March 2007. A promo video for the album song “We’ll always love the stars“ will follow up.

From over 600 applications, Rocket Uppercut are chosen to be amongst the last twelve bands to take part in the finals of “Beck’s on Stage”, the band contest of Germany’s biggest brewery “Beck’s.” The finals will take place in four German cities. In each city, three bands battle will to play get an appearance on one of Germany’s four largest festivals. Rocket Uppercut will play in Nuremburg on March 15 to gain a gig on the hugest national festival “Rock im Park.”

What they say:
Rocket Uppercut boast such a sound that having them emerge slowly out of the famous Danube river with instruments at hand could be the musical equivalent of Sophia Loren’s pulsating and icon-making appearance out of the Greek sea in Boy on a Dolphin. Their tracks, ‘The Arrival’ and ‘Smashing on Love’, resound with an accomplished rhythm dripping with indie glamour and vision, singer Bianca Haslbeck weaving drool-worthy lines through the robust guitar shapes and crashing symbols with a voice somewhere between the guttural howl of Rock Lore and sensual shimmer of Justine Frischmann.

(Quelle: Modern Noise Records)


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