Soft Hearted Scientists

Uncanny Tales From The Everyday Undergrowth [Rock / Alternative]

RELEASE: 23.02.2007

LABEL: My Kung Fu

VERTRIEB: Rough Trade


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Formed when Nathan and Dylan bumped into each other in a cave while mountaineering in the Himalayas. While drinking a flask of coffee they realised that they were both at a loose end and had a mutual fascination with acoustic guitars and old synthesizers that make bizarre noises, and that it would be cool to try and make music that conveyed even 5% of the feeling you get when you see shooting stars whooshing across a night sky in a distant place far away from home. They finished their coffee, and shook hands on it, then made their way to the nearest ocean on the back of two quite truculent llamas. They then built a replica of a Viking Longship from bamboo canes and banana leaves, and sailed back in the direction of Britain, with destiny in their sights. Unfortunately, various storms and waterspouts blew them off course and it took them 3 years to make it back to Blighty. However, these were not wasted years, for the plucky duo used what instruments they had stockpiled on "Old Dragonface" and whiled away the months honing their sound underneath the stars as they drifted across the oceans of the world. They existed on a diet of whatever food kind mermaids would bring them of an evening. They even married a couple of sister mermaids, in a special sea ceremony, but things didn't work out, leaving them a love lorn pair. "Still", they muttered mournfully, "All fuel for the creative fire". Having spent 3 years at sea, they were a bit grouchy with each other one morning, so Dylan went and sat in the crows nest for peace and quiet. It was at this point that he spotted a dot on the horizon. "Hark! I see something on the horizon" he yelled. After recovering from his irritation and disbelief at this centuries out of date usage of the word "Hark!", Nathan looked out to sea. They steered their mighty vessel towards the dot and lo and behold, it was young Paul Jones from the Welsh Valleys who had been callously thrown overboard from his coracle while fishing for eels for the Cockney market by thieving magpie pirates from Tongwynlais. They hailed him aboard (yes thats right, "Hailed" - got a problem with our nautical sayings?) and after a "hearty" breakfast (OK we admit it, that was going too far - "hearty" is a truly hideous word) he told his sorry tale and said that the coracle fishing business was getting far too risky, but added that he was a dab hand with the 12 string guitar if that was any use to them. After hearing this intriguing piece of new information, Nathan and Dylan walked up and down their vessel, wringing their hands , gesticulating wildly and debating the pros and cons of a new member in loud booming voices like 2 bastard offspring of larger than life thunderclap voiced thespian superham Brian Blessed. Eventually, as a new moon rose they theatrically returned to where young Paul was sitting bemused and offered him a position in their musical concern. Just 2 days later they landed at Southerndown beach, with tears of homecoming joy in their eyes and with destiny still in their sights. "Time to take our music to the landlubbers" they shouted and instinctively did a sort of high five style motion with their arms before realising that that's really the sort of dreadful thing that Bon Jovi would do and really wouldn't serve a folk tinged psychedelic outfit at all. Therefore they instead drank a glug of brandy from a giant sea snail shell and whispered "Time do get cracking". That's better.

(Quelle: Artist)


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