WEBSITE: www.sufisays.com
Das "Maulkorb" betitelte neue Minialbum des Gonjasufi ist das Statement eines aufrichtigen Mannes zu aktuellen Themen: Macht und Unterdrückung, Redefreiheit, sein Leben nach einem Buch leben, mit dem auferlegten Maulkorb umgehen. "MU.ZZ.LE" mag ein kleines Minialbum sein, doch die Botschaften sind gross. Politische, soziale und spirituelle Interpretationen, die den Gonjasufi als Künstler auszeichnen. Unterwegs geschrieben, drücken die Songs all das Adrenalin, die Aggression und die Wut aus, die der Mann die Welt bereisend fühlte, ein wahres Spektrum an Kreativität. Downtempo-Strings, herzzerreissender Soul, reanimierter Hip Hop und geisterhafte Vokalformen durchziehen, zu einer bunten Decke zusammengeflickt, jeden einzelnen Song. Eine einsame Reise in die innerste Gedankenwelt der dunkelsten Stunden des Sufi, aufgenommen im Homestudio im Kreise seiner Famile, als Kontrast zur umgebenden Mojave-Wüste. Das Ergebnis ist eine Reproduktion des eigenen Ichs, um sich endlich wieder wohl in seiner Haut zu fühlen.
“You can put a muzzle on me, cover my mouth, cut out my tongue but the truth will still come out”. Gonjasufi’s sonic appeal is not based on one single emotion. It’s one man’s soul poured out via a sound, an outlet. Each song is wrapped in it’s own sense of being, every single feeling is intertwined within his lyrics. ‘MU.ZZ.LE’ although short in it’s length, is huge on messages. Political, social and spiritual interpretations that define him as an artist. Written on the road, it was an outlet for Gonjasufi to challenge himself. It’s the response to all the adrenaline, aggression and anger he felt traveling the world, it’s a spectrum of his creativity and a testimony of how one man’s passion and determination is often misunderstood as anger. “There’s a duality that exists and to deny it, is the biggest mistake”.
The albums down tempo strings, heartbreaking soul, reanimated hip-hop and crackling haunting vocal stylings are stitched as a running thread throughout each song like a patchwork quilt.
It’s a lonely journey that will take you through the innermost thoughts of Gonjasufi’s darkest hours. He recorded and mixed it on his own in his home studio surrounded by his family and the stark contrast of the Mojave Desert. The end product is his outlet and realization for who he is, a way for him to feel comfortable in his own skin again.
Akin to discovering a gramophone recording fraught with emotive compositions, it’s like finding that hidden gem, the one you can truly relate with. It’s the way of dealing with the issues of modern man; oppressed by power, freedom of speech, living your life by a book, dealing with the MU.ZZ.LE that’s firmly attached around your mouth.
“MU.ZZ.LE was more like knowing that what comes out of the mouth of man, sets man free and defies them, it was me guarding my words and my tongue. These words are less but I feel like I’m saying more.”
Tracklisting: - White Picket Fence
- Feedin’ Birds
- Nikels and Dimes
- Rubberband
- Venom
- Timeout
- Skin
- The Blame
- Blaksuit
- Sniffin’
(Quelle: Beatsinternational, 2011) FORMAT: CD