Sound Iration

In Dub [Reggae]

RELEASE: 23.04.2010

LABEL: Year Zero

VERTRIEB: Groove Attack


Released in 1989, “Sound Iration In Dub” spearheaded a new age in homegrown British reggae, continuing a mission started by Nick Manasseh and Steve ‘Scruff’ Guilder which pioneered what became ‘UK steppers’. For over 20 years Nick Manasseh has been at the heart of London’s roots reggae scene as DJ, producer and radio presenter, seeing the music turn into a worldwide phenomenon during that time.

Based in Shepherd’s Bush, Nick had been working up to this album for most of the 80s, starting with launching the custom-built Manasseh Sound System at the 1985 Notting Hill Carnival, which he hit with a mission to play the proper roots reggae which had been neglected since dying down after its late 70s heyday. After making a booming impression there, Manasseh became in demand at blues parties, hooking up with future Young Disciple Femi and Kiss FM DJ Norman Jay, who got them spinning at London’s big warehouse parties. In February 1987, Manasseh started a weekly Saturday night radio show on Kiss, which continued with great success after the station became legit. Nick began producing music for sound system dub plates in 1986, hitching up with Scruff, also from the Shepherd’s Bush area, and playing bass for legendary West London reggae outfit Night Doctor. The pair released their first single “Seventh Seal” on Rae Cheddie’s Mystic Red imprint in September 1988. It’s often credited with being the first new wave ‘UK steppers’ dub track.

The album which would become “Sound Iration In Dub” was recorded between 1986 and 1988 at a small eight-track studio in Hounslow, West London, and released in January 1989 on WAU! Mr Modo, the new label started by Killing Joke bassist and producer Youth and Dr Alex Paterson, then getting under way with The Orb.

First in a series of reissues drawn from both WAU!’ s roots reggae and house archives, the original album presents eight beautiful excursions into deepest roots in embroidered skeleton dub form, which has lost none of its magic. Tracks like “New Style” turned the London take on pure reggae rhythm into a different kind of art form with the new technology coming in, but the album is also a reminder of reggae before it lost much of its richness and spiritual current through digitalisation.

Nick and Scruff went on to release further albums on WAU! Mr Modo, while starting on a follow-up to “Sound Iration In Dub”. The second CD will be of particular interest, featuring seven tracks originally intended for the follow-up plus demos and unreleased mixes for the first album which only ever appeared as one-off dub plates to play on the Manasseh Sound System [literally mastered off the acetates].

When Youth and Alex’s own careers started taking over, Sound Iration took a backseat while Nick started his Riz label, embarking on a recording career which brought him into contact with anyone from Acid Jazz to the Stereo MCs. He also carried on doing sound systems and the radio show, never forgetting or forsaking the mission which originally motivated him.

Meanwhile Scruff spent two years as resident engineer at Youth’s Butterfly Studio in Brixton Road, where a couple of Sound Iration tracks were recorded. He then became involved with A.L. Digital, creators of the Akai Sound library and pivotal samplers, overseeing and managing the building of the company’s state-of-the-art studio.

With reggae still progressing and often in danger of ignoring its spiritual heritage, new generations still continue to discover the unique, timeless quality of roots music. The reissue of this long-feted but much-sought milestone is timely indeed. With the previously unreleased material, it stands as a vital document of a crucial time in the music’s evolution.

(Quelle: Groove Attack, 2010)


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