Soniamiki7pm [Pop]RELEASE: 20.11.2009LABEL: Moanin RecordsVERTRIEB: Alive!WEBSITE:
Polen ist das neue Mekka für elektrolastige Popmusik mit 80er-Synthies und dem Charm von Singer-Songwritertum. Als Animationsfilmerin, Zeichnerin, Multiinstrumentalistin und Sängerin steht Soniamiki inmitten einer Szene aus jungen polnischen Künstlern. Ihr Musikprojekt entstand ursprünglich für die Modenschau einer befreundeten Designerin. Artwork und Fotos des CD-Covers kommen ebenfalls von Freunden. Poland is the new place to be for pop music with electronic synthie sounds of the 80ies mixed with the attitude of a singer songwriter. As animation movie maker, drawer, multi-instrumentalist and singer, Soniamiki lives right in the middle of scene of young polish artists. In the beginning her little music project was intended for a fashion show of friendly designer. Artwork and cover of her record are also made by friends. Her partner is the singer of the post-rock band L.Stadt, who's 'Death of a Surfer Girl' she made a very nice cover version of. Soniamiki likes to play live with a drummer, a guitarist, her computer, her self singing and - glad to see - also simultaneously playing bass. (Quelle: Moanin' Music, 2009) FORMAT: CD
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