
METAL MACHINE [Electronic / Dance]

RELEASE: 05.06.2009

LABEL: Shitkatapult


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Wie der Titel nahe legt, ist das vorliegende Album abweisend und metallisch: METAL MACHINE verbindet raue techno beats mit rohen rock riffs, unterlegt mit unerbittlichen mechanischen Grooves, die "Blut spucken" (wie es Band-Mitglied Bryan Black ausdrückt). Allerdings funktioniert METAL MACHINE ohne die bei solchen genreverbindenden Grenzüberschreitungen übliche Üppigkeit. Auch Trash ist da nicht zu finden, im Gegenteil alles ist reduziert, berechnet, kalt und extrem funktional. Eigentlich für den Dancefloor im Club geschaffen, wird sich METAL MACHINE allerdings auch auf der Bühne beweisen müssen, wenn MOTOR als support band mit DEPECHE MODE auf ihre Tour durch die größten Arenen Europas gehen werden.

METAL MACHINE ist der dritte Teil der Trilogie, zu der bereits die überaus erfolgreichen Alben KLUNK und UNHUMAN gehörten. Wie diese bleibt das dritte Album der industriellen Ästhetik von MOTOR treu und präsentiert eine (Rock)Band, die Techno auf den Punkt bringt wie kaum jemand sonst. Dies bewies bereits die Vorab-Single DEATH RAVE, eine hands-in-the-air Killer Techno-Hymne mit dem breitesten Synthie-Riff aller Zeiten und einem Breakdown, der alle Clubs in Schutt und Asche legt. Nicht zuletzt lebt die Musik von MOTOR allerdings trotz aller Massivität und kalter Berechnung letztendlich von der mitschwingenden Ironie, vom Augenzwinkern, mit dem sie ihr künstlerisches Schaffen auf die Spitze treiben.


Motor- Men: “We used to fight about anything from looks, music, personality, videos, and ideas - it was a total nightmare.”

First teaming up in 2005, New Yorker Bryan Black and then London based Frenchman Mr No forged an immediately fruitful if intense friendship with misunderstandings a frequent issue. “We never had physical punch-ups but I remember having hundreds of manic tantrums and imaginary fights with Bryan, arguing solo in the streets and pulling fucked up faces while doing the shopping,” Mr No recalls. “To resolve this I was eventually banned from checking my emails and thinking negative, if I had to open my mouth it was only to say something nice or find a solution instead of a problem. I still use this method today, it works well,” he laughs.

Bryan (the quiet, silent type compared to Mr No’s volcanic personality) sees it differently: “We use to fight like mad in the beginning, each of us having monster egos. and each of us are talented song writers in our own right. But after 2 albums we found a balance and we learned what we like and we write now with each other in mind. It works.” More recently Motor was a threesome featuring (now departed) Spanish lothario Hugo Menendez, as a babe magnet frontman with additional peace-keeping duties tossed in when required. “Hugo was the spark which kept myself and Mr No from beating the shit out of each other,” Bryan smiles, “and for a period he was pivotal in creating the MOTOR live energy which is essential to MOTOR live. But there was one gig which Hugo couldn’t do, and we didn't want to cancel, so we did it as a 2-piece, sans Hugo and it worked. We were pleasantly surprised.” The result was that the notorious ladykiller suddenly left the band, though with no hard feelings, Bryan insists.

Motor- Live: “Whenever possible, we perform live. We love the thrill. And it allows us to be true to the whole MOTOR concept.”

Motor’s natural environment is on stage, where both generally mild mannered protagonists morph into strutting, snarling raucous rock gods, spewing take-no-prisoners techno prowling and pacing around. Relentlessly touring the world since forming in 2005 the band has played superclubs and giant festival stages even fitting in a pan-Europe/ Stateside road trip with proto industrial heroes Nitzer Ebb, last year. Dodging rabid skinheads who tried to attack them in Germany (‘because we weren’t Nitzer Ebb’ Mr No explains) the duo will soon be setting off on the road with Depeche Mode, an experience both plan to embrace reasonably sensibly.

“I think most of Depeche Mode are off the drugs and alcohol,” Mr No quips, “When we started MOTOR, we partied every day and night and we still let loose on occasion, maybe more than we should, but certainly for us non-stop partying is no longer part of the formula,” he claims. Their high-energy onstage personas are also created organically, Bryan insists, with groupie games, group meditation and even group hugs all practises they strenuously avoid. “We don’t believe in all that hippie shit,” says Bryan, “We just smash beer cans over our head and do a few push ups. Nothing too crazy.” ‘Performing is our bread and butter. Always was, always will be,” Mr No adds.

Motor- Mechanics: “I live in New York, and Mr No in Nice, France, but we are always on tour together, usually bashing out musical ideas in hotel rooms at obscene hours.” Listening to the raw power, high energy and stark simplicity of tracks such as Fire and new single Death Rave, it’s surprising to learn that the pair live on separate continents, writing in snatched moments during their relentless touring lifestyle. “We don’t really break up writing or performing duties like a traditional band, we each have the skills to do whatever we want on a song,” Bryan explains. “However, the magic seems to happen when we bash our heads together. That’s where MOTOR becomes something really special and unique. Perhaps it’s the French - American rivalry which produces the electricity.”

Motor- Mouth: “If it’s good and pisses enough people off, then it becomes art.” With all ten tracks on Metal Music being unashamedly unrestrained party rocking monsters, Motor are understandably not aiming to please everybody, though are nevertheless serious about their work, Bryan stresses. “We don’t make trendy party club music or follow trends in that way, we try to be pioneers and work outside of that scene. In doing that our music will hopefully have a more timeless quality.” “Though it’s important for us to penetrate the mainstream from time to time; there's no point in making music which is only enjoyed by a small number of people,” he adds. “We are very fortunate to be able to reach bigger audiences with our sound- which is not really considered mainstream by any stretch. “I see MOTOR as an art project.”

(Quelle: Alive!, 2009)


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