Iron Fire

To The Grave [Hard / Heavy]

RELEASE: 09.01.2009

LABEL: Napalm Records



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Band mastermind Martin Steene lived through quite a few ups and downs during his long musical career. A rosy beginning greeted the young formation as IRON FIRE partnered with cult producer Tommy Hansen (Helloween, Pretty Maids, Illdisposed) to churn out the band’s debut “Thunderstorm”. The critics raved and the word out on the street was all about IRON FIRE’s promising career. But the higher one soars, the harder one falls, or at least in this case...

One year later, in 2001, the same magazines that praised IRON FIRE turned their backs on the Power Metal ensemble’s follow-up “On the Edge”. Even the band’s own label seemed disinterested, but things would become worse, before they became better.

Following an amazing concert in Hamburg, Germany, the planned release party fell through and the label announced that they would not be releasing IRON FIRE’s third offering. As for the icing on the cake: The band’s vehicle was towed that evening.

Struck down repeatedly by ill fate, it was only a matter of time before the line-up began to crumble. In the end, the last man standing was none other than a very disappointed Martin Steene, who had no choice but to accept defeat, but began gathering strength to execute his vengeful and conquering comeback.

With “Revenge” (a fitting title in view of the band’s past experiences), Steene projects IRON FIRE’s history into the fantastic world of the warrior Cain, who once double-crossed by his closest friends and allies and now revived by magical forces, takes revenge upon his betrayers. “Revenge” is an epic tale á la “Conan the Barbarian”, told by a band, who obviously knows how to fight back.

With the help of this highly acclaimed third album and the support of a new label, NAPALM RECORDS, Steene and Co. took revenge on all those who doubted the strength of their Power Metal Crusade.

While IRON FIRE never questioned their love of working with Metal “clichés”, the success of “Revenge” showed they were on the right track. The resonance from fans and press was overwhelming and Steen and Co. proved to them and all followers of true Heavy Metal that the band was far from defeat.

After touring with the legendary DEMON, IRON FIRE, now a tight band of brothers united by a sacred vow of faith in Metal, soon began to write new material for their next offering, “Blade of Triumph”.

By teaming up with Frederik Nordström, one of Europe’s most revered producers, the band achieved an immaculate sound, while still delivering heroic Power Metal complete with heavy guitars, majestic melodies, and in-your-face drumming that pave the way for the unmistakable and charismatic vocals of frontman Martin Steene. This steam hammer of traditional Metal albums was sure to appease the youth of steel. And so it did!

In order to take “Blade of Triumph“ on the road, the band embarked on a European Tour supporting U.D.O. and Primal Fear. One of the tour’s highlights was the Christmas Festival in Germany when Iron Fire performed along Saxon, WASP, and Doro.

However, the band did not rest on its laurels and the members focused on writing new material for the upcoming album, which took a darker turn with faster songs and gloomy lyrics. Tommy Hansen’s production efforts also added a rougher and rawer edge to the album’s sound.

With “To the Grave” the Danish metalheads forge into battle to once again fight for genuine true metal and show how tradition-conscious Power Metal should be played. Pounding rhythms, heavy riffs, and thundering drums are again the foundation upon which the charismatic frontman Martin Steene lays down the law. His vocals enhance the catchy choruses delivered in the soon-to-be classic hymns "Kill for Metal" or "The Beast from Blackness". "To the Grave" is a must-have for fans of Manowar, Hammerfall, and Dragonforce-a celebration for all warriors of steel.

Martin Steene – Vocals
Kirk Backarach – Guitars
Martin Lund – Bass
Fritz Wagner – Drums

(Quelle: Napalm Records, 2008)


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