
Name of the game [Jazz]
WEBSITE: www.booboodavis.com
All the music and extemporaneous sounds that you'll hear on this record are coming from Boo Boo's vocal chords and harmonica, John's drum kit or Jan's guitars. What started as a crazy idea after the tour with Boo Boo in October 2007 has turned out to be not too crazy at all. On the Spring Tour of 2008 they decided to leave out the bass and tour as a trio. The audiences loved it and were amazed all that sound was coming from just three pieces. John created a great drum kit (100% Radio King with real skin heads) around his 60+ years old 28 inch bass drum and Jan bought a baritone guitar and put very heavy strings on his regular guitar. These were the ingredients that produced this big authentic sound. Unlike many modern blues bands, Boo Boo and his band focus on the groove, the feel, and the basic truths found in the blues. Blues doesn't come any 'realer' then this.
(Quelle: Black & Tan Records, 2008)