Gama Bomb

Citizen Brain [Hard / Heavy]

RELEASE: 06.06.2008

LABEL: Earache Records

VERTRIEB: Rough Trade


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In the rot-infested bowels of a boarded-up bunker, five brave soldiers are steeling themselves for an over-the-top assault against the plague ripping through the metal masses. As the brain-dead hordes claw and scratch at their fortified safehouse, Gama Bomb have armed themselves with an arsenal of razor fine riffs and rapier wits as they prepare to take on the brain-sucking musical dead..

Shielding themselves away from the infestation some years back, they’ve sustained their will on the torch-bearing rations of yesteryear’s thrash titans, sharpening their skills and perfecting their blistering attack in hundreds of field-tests and soundlab simulations. Early victories against the metal malaise sent legions of thrashers to their side, bolstering the unit’s already sub-nuclear powers.

Gama Bomb launched themselves on an unsuspecting public in 2002, spewing out tales of zombies, booze and brains that saw them immediately build up a loyal following in their native Ireland and the UK. Over the next few years the band independently released two short EPs before releasing their full-length debut, 'Survival Of The Fastest', through European music label Witches Brew in early 2006.

In September 2007, Gama Bomb signed a record deal with Earache Records. Shortly after, the band featured on Earache's 'Thrashing Like A Maniac' compilation with their song "Zombie Brew" and were also highlighted in NME's Guide to New Thrash. The band have since completed a successful UK tour with Exodus, played with the likes of Tankard, At War, Sabbat and Onslaught, and already have a sold out show with Machine Head at the Dublin Ambassador under their bullet belts.

All eyes are now looking forward to June 9th 2008, when the second full-length album from the Irish thrashers, 'Citizen Brain', is unleashed on the world. Produced by the fast-rising producer Scott Atkins at his Grindstone Studios in deepest Suffolk, 'Citizen Brain' oozes with frantic thrashing riffs mixed with high-pitched classic metal vocals. With song themes ranging from video games and movies to zombies, futuristic prisons and serial killers with oversized weapons, and even touching on real-world issues such as global warming, 'Citizen Brain' is seeping with enough retro 80's references to last a nuclear winter.

Mirroring Gama Bomb's vision of what modern day thrash metal is really about, the album cover art by Jeff Zornow (Day of the Dead comic book series) is a window into the demented, convoluted and brilliant mind of Gama Bomb, where zombies swill beer, thrashers reign and hammers are slammed by the thousand.
Vocalist Philly Byrne states "We wanted something hot and bright, that would catch the eye, something actually inked and pencilled and coloured by an artist, not tossed together on photoshop like so much crap these days. A bit of real art. Except with severed heads."

These battle-hardened desperadoes are now preparing a full-on thrash attack in 2008 with the ultimate weapon – 'Citizen Brain' – and sending out an automated message of blood-soaked hope to survivors: boils and ghouls, Gama Bomb are coming for you...

(Quelle: Earache Records)


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