
Ed Rec Vol. 3 [Electronic / Dance]

RELEASE: 13.06.2008

LABEL: Ed Banger Records



Busy P, der Kopf und gute Geist vom sagenumwobenen ED BANGER RECORDS-Mob, hat einem Streifenpolizisten die Uniform unterm Arsch weggeklaut und mit seinem Kumpel MURS im Schlepptau im Anschluss daran den gesamten Globus bereist. Am Ende der Tour haben sie einmal kurz nachgedacht, tief Luft geholt und lauthals geschrien: „We are here TO PROTECT AND ENTERTAIN!“ Unter anderen Umständen hätte man ihnen vermutlich kein Wort geglaubt.

MR FLASH ist geblitzt worden, als er auf dem Highway mit 200 Sachen für mächtig Flimmern auf dem Asphalt gesorgt hat. Hubschrauber verfolgen ihn. Wieder einmal ist er weit mehr als nur OVER THE TOP. Die Highway-Sheriffs flehen dich an, ihn zu stoppen. Außergewöhnliche Situationen erfordern eben außergewöhnliche Maßnahmen.

SebastiAn ist angeklagt wegen illegaler Pitbull-Zucht. Sein Hund (englisch: DOG) hat sich schon in den Unterschenkeln einiger älterer Damen im Süden von Paris festgebissen. Ob diese bisher auf Tollwut untersucht wurden, ist zum jetzigen Zeitpunkt noch nicht bekannt.

UFFIE hat schon 23 Anklagen von Nachtclubs aus ganz Ami-Land am Hals. Sie ist beim Benutzen eines gefälschten Ausweises gecatcht worden, als sie einen der heißesten Spots des Landes besuchen wollte. Unter ihrem Beinamen ROBOT OEUF hat sie in sämtlichen Läden eine beeindruckende Breakdance-Performance hingelegt und danach kurzerhand die Türsteher geküsst. Das muss aufhören!

Der Minister für Justice steckt in der Krise. Sein neues Motto scheint STRESS für jedermann zu lauten. Die Kids werden jede Nacht verrückter. Diese ganze neumodische Musik ist nicht gut für unsere Jugend und macht sie noch ganz kirre.

Mr Oizo wurde im berühmten Chicagoer Hinterzimmer namens MINUTEMAN’S PULSE verhaftet. Er hat vorgegeben, ein französischer Jazzer zu sein. Mit seinem Saxofon im Anschlag wurde er später halb nackt mit einer merkwürdigen lebensgroßen Puppe in seiner Unterhose geschnappt.

DJ Mehdi steht wieder einmal wegen eines Verbrechens um ein POCKET PIANO vor Gericht. Während seiner diversen Club-Gigs verschwindet er hin und wieder unerkannt in der Garderobe, um den Tanzwütigen dort die Portemonnaies aus den Jacken zu klauen. Seid also wachsam!

Der berüchtigte KRAZY BALDHEAD hält 10 Leute auf einer abgeschiedenen Farm als Geiseln fest. Er hat angedroht, alle umzubringen und ruft unentwegt: „NO COW, NO POW!“ Was er uns damit sagen will, bleibt auch den Bullen weiterhin ein Rätsel. Doch die Polizei lauscht aufmerksam seinen Forderungen.

Die drei DSL-Brüder sind erneut aus dem Hochsicherheitstrakt des Gefängnisses von Sarcelles ausgebrochen. FIND ME IN THE WORLD stand auf den Wänden ihrer Zellen geschrieben.

FEADZ und SPANK ROCK haben sich auf BACK IT UP miteinander verschworen und schmieden gemeinschaftlich an einem gewieften Weltübernahme-Plan.

SO ME hingegen hat eine U-Bahn-Station in Schutt und Asche gelegt. Auf einem Zug der Linie 12 stand in großen Lettern DECALCOMANIA geschrieben.

Allerdings hat immer noch niemand eine Ahnung, was das alles zu bedeuten hat…

"Dem Pariser Label Ed Banger gelingt mit Rock und Härte eine Wiederbelebung der elektronischen Tanzmusik.“ (Süddeutsche Zeitung)

Man spricht allgemein vom „Ed Banger-Sound“, als ob es ein eigenes Genre ist. Eine einmalige, im Grunde musikhistorische Situation, dass ein kleines Label aus Paris quasi ein eigenes Musikgenre erschaffen hat. Musikmagazine besprechen ähnliche Veröffentlichungen mit: „Klingt wie Ed Banger.“

Pedro Winter alias Busy P gründete das Label Ed Banger Records im Jahre 2003. Seitdem geht es steil nach oben. Ein kleines Label aus Paris hält die gesamte Musikwelt in Atem.

Einige der Busy P Zöglinge (Justice, Uffie) sind mittlerweile weltbekannt, doch auch die anderen Acts stehen dem in Nichts nach. Busy P, Mr Oizo, SebastiAn, DJ Mehdi, Feadz, Mr Flash und der Rest der Ed Banger Crew sind extrem begehrt und Monate im Voraus ausgebucht, und das weltweit in den angesagtesten Clubs.

5 years ago Back in February 2003 in Montmartre (Paris, France) Pedro Winter aka BUSY P created the ED BANGER RECORD label. Most of the artists have been discovered by Pedro, and often live near the labels office. Over the past 2 years the rise of the label has been something like a phenomenon, with all artists being on a worldwide tour (DJ and/or Live) at sold out venues, each appearance always long awaited and celebrated like a the coming of the messiah by thousands of raging kids from each and every part of the world. Drawing on the street energy of HIP HOP, Rock’ explosion and hypnotic compression of techno music, but remaining open to all other influences, the sound of the label, mostly electronic & saturated, has become a trademark, registered worldwide. Justice, Busy P, Uffie, Feadz, DJ Mehdi, DSL, Mr Oizo, Vicarious Bliss, Mr Flash, Krazy Baldhead, SebastiAn and SO ME’s Post-Cartoon imaging are practically pop culture icons, especially within the new web media (myspace, blogs, forums) where Ed Banger remain one of the unbeatable masters of its use.




Profile :
Daft Punk’s manager for 12 years, non stop activist of dance music & underground urban culture, Pedro Winter aka Busy P is well named.
Ed Banger’s founder in 2003, his hard work pays off today.

Facts 2007-2008
- Now a worldwide underground superstar, he keeps receiving daily clothes, top electronic gear from
brands aiming at passing the Ed Banger’s ‘cool test’
- He has toured everywhere in Europe and was support act on Justice’ US tour.
- He is becoming more and more the musician : His tune "To Protect And To Entertain" (feat US rapper MURS) is the official single of the ED REC VOL.3 compilation
- He has a DJ residency at We Love / Ibiza this summer 2008


Profile :
MTV EMAs, the Grammys, the UK & US NME Awards, Les Victoires de la Musique… just some of the top awards ceremonies worldwide that Parisian electro princes Justice (aka Xavier de Rosnay & Gaspard Auge) have been honoured at with a spread of nominations and wins. They’ve just headlined the US Myspace music tour, were the headline act at Coachella, have toured with no rest, in every part of the world.

2003 their remix ‘’We are your friends” becomes the electro-rock generation’s anthem.
2005 Justice have remixed the biggest: Daft Punk, Franz Ferdinand, N.E.R.D., Justin Timberlake, Britney Spears, Fatboy Slim
2006 they win MTV EUROPEAN AWARDS for the best video.
2007 ‘D.a.n.c.e’ is one of this years’ big hit. Its video has millions plays over the internet, and has
been nominated for the best video at MTV Video Music Awards (first time ever for a French artist)
† is Gold Record in France
- † has sold more than 300 000 copies worldwide
- ‘D.a.n.c.e’ wins the best video at the first US NME AWARDS in Hollywood
- Justice decline to be Madonna’s support act on her worldwide tour
- DVNO video played on the giant screens on every date of the Kylie Minogue european tour.
- French tour in may including the Paris Zenith & legendary venue l’Olympia
- They headline at the biggest festivals around, Summersonic in Japan, Rock Am Ring (germany), gate
crasher (uk), sonar, benicassim (espagne) etc
- stress video as a bonus included on the compilation check out the feedback on kanye west’s blog!


French Hip Hop’s Child prodigy since 13 year old (Ideal J, Assassin etc), Dj Mehdi has won recognition
as an eclectic producer, melting his Hip Hop roots to electronic, either Soul or Pop.

- This year Dj Mehdi’s Dj career has truly gone one step beyond and he’s travelled the world a few times already.
- Fools Gold tour with A-Trak & Kavinsky, supports Justice on most of European & US dates, and has a
residency at We Love / Ibiza this summer 2008
- His tune 'Signatune', edited by Thomas Bangalter (Daft Punk)is one of 2007 worldwide club hit.
- He remixed: Just Jack, New Young Pony Club, Ghostface Killah, Architecture In Helsinki, CSS, Joss
Stone, Cassisus, Steed Lord, Etienne de Crecy, Joakim...


Profile :
US born Paris Based’s Ed Banger’s wonderkid, Uffie was still (secretly) a barely legal teen when she started singing onto Feadz & Mr Oizo’s music.
Result: 3 underground hits

Facts 2007-2008 :
- non stop worldwide tour since 2006
- She will be supporting Justice during their French tour
- She’s in the studio mid april to record her debut album, produced by Feadz and Mr Oizo, it's scheduled for release this October
- Her single ‘Pop the glock’ gets a re-release in june as a teaser to the album


Profile :
Uncompromising Serbian guy and free Jazz musician Noel Akchoté’s young brother.
At the age of 15, he produces the hip hop soundtracks of the agitator Jean-Louis Costes.
Since then, SebastiAn is worldwide known for his sonic assaults on the dancefloors..
Has remixed Cut Copy, Mylo, Daft Punk, Kelis, Annie, The Rapture...

Facts 2007-2008 :
- New single « Motor » out May 2008
- Has been support dj act with Kavinsky on DAFT PUNKs worldwide tour
- He is preparing his debut album, scheduled for early 2009.
- Most recent remixes: Das Pop, Sebastien Tellier, Klaxons...


Bertrand de Langeron aka So Me, provides the artistic and visual identity which accompanies Ed Banger Records’ brand of music and culture that has recently experienced tremendous growth – largely via the internet. So Me’s work is often described as influenced by the iconic pop art of the 1960s, French comic books and graffiti, and contemporary iconography. His style has been many times sampled by advertisement all over the world, not to mention sleeve artworks, flyers, Label’s T-shirts.

Facts 2007-2008:
- He has created award-winning music videos for the likes of Kanye West, Justice, and DJ Mehdi, as well as prints, jewelry, and limited edition sets of t-shirts for H&M and Japanese clothing label Revolver.
- He has worked for publications such as Colette, Arktip, Dazed, XLR8R, Clark Magazine, Sleazenation, and has created a Nike campaign for France (the only French with Booba who has been asked).
- His first steps as a musician are more than promising (check 'Decalcomania', one of the hits from
ed rec 3)
- His first exhibition in the Parisian shop Lazy Dog is a triumph. He has a current ‘portrait’ exhibition
at Studio Gallery in Toronto.

Mr Oizo

Aka Quentin Dupieux, musician and film maker, discovered by Laurent Garnier, became famous with the big hit “Flat Beat” in 1999 (3 billions units), Oizo naturally found his place on Ed Banger with his funny and strange universe. He has remixed Air, Herbert, Cassius, Jamelia…

Facts 2007-2008:
Produced the film Steak featuring Eric & Ramzi (2 famous French comedians), Sebastien Tellier, Kavinsky and SebastiAn Co-signed the OST too.
Has recently remixed Jamie Lidell, Scissor Sisters, Calvin Harris
Following his underground hit “Transexual/Patrick 122”, he’s preparing his new album.


Uffie’s producer, he does the “scratch” for Mr Oizo, exceptional Dj (2000 World champion with his crew Audiomicide). Former Ellen Allien’s “protégé” on BPitch Control

Facts 2007-2008:
Following the co-production of his muse’s (Uffie) 12 inches (her forthcoming album included), Feadz is nowsigned on Ed Banger records as a solo artist.
His first ed banger’s 12 inch named “Happy Meal” was released in March 2008.
He’s on tour all over the world alone or accompanied by Uffie.
His remix of Humanoid’s hit “Stakker Humanoid” is already a classic


One of the first artist signed on the label (on Ed Rec 001, first vinyl of the label in february 2003), Mr
Flash represents the hip hop side of the label

Mos def just decided to use three MR FLASH’ instrumental tracks for his forthcoming album


Atypical french rappers, these suburbians of Paris got noticed few years ago on Record Makers, they are now part of the Ed Banger crew.

Their first 12 inch for Ed banger was released in february 2008 with a remix from Busy P.
They are preparing their new album


Profile :
Bald-headed, a little bit crazy too.


Profile :
Tall, nice, guy from Manchester. The indie-pop side of the label

(Quelle: Sven-Erik Stephan, Beatsinternational, 2008)


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