Darkness Out Of The Blue [Jazz]
WEBSITE: siljenergaard.com
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As internationally acclaimed as she is successful, singer Silje Nergaard returns with her new album Darkness Out of Blue, with a new approach and a new band, this is her first new album in three years. Showcasing her writing and arranging on a complete set of orginal songs Silje says of the album; "This has been a very inspiring project. It feels extremely important, and I sense it is the beginning of something new."
With many of her new songs already performed live around the world, she’s found the audience response to be overwhelming, thus building both her confidence and depth of artistic expression. The fact that people have already embraced these new songs live truly means a lot to her, and was a huge confidence boost to step out in her own direction.
Composing all 12 songs Nergaard collaborated once again with Mike McGurk, her lyricist. "I think his imagery is more poetic than ever. And despite the wide meaning of the term, the new album does not contain many love songs. At least not the "heart/ pain/I have lost you" type of songs." Silje speaks affectionately of what she calls key phrases. Often these kind of phrases pop up in her head when composing. One of the songs in the new album is called ‘When Judy Falls’. "I had this phrase in my head when I made the melody which Mike later on used as a jumping-off point when writing the lyrics."
In this way the lyrics are written on her terms, so to speak. This time the lyrics are digging deeper and wider, she thinks, leaving the listener to choose how deep they want to plough. "For me it has taken quite some time, because there are so many levels. I still find myself having my eyes opened to new aspects of songs that I have sung hundreds of times." And it’s all helped her make her most organic and natural sounding album to date;. "I think it has become more dynamic. I am digging deeper into the stuff this time. Maybe it seems graver than before, but also more wide-ranging. And there is a lot more joy and energy."
"You grow, eventually. You get closer to life. Despite of the title; this is not a shady record. Even the most serious songs have a bright twist." Earlier this year she put together a new band. The guitarist Bjørn Charles Dreyer and the drummer Jarle Vespestad are still around, whereas Helge Lien and Finn Guttormsen on piano and bass represent the new contribution; both extremely talented musicians with solid references and wide-ranging backgrounds, jazz being the backdrop all along.
"It was time for change and renewing. Sometimes one must seek out new partnerships in order to bring out new sides of oneself to avoid stagnation. My music draws from so many genres melted together over a broad spectrum. This demands many characteristics of the musicians; that they have strong personalities; that they shine on their chosen instrument. At the same time, I also seek maturity and the ability to understand musical boundaries."
All of this, and more, Silje has found in her new musicians. She found even more for the new record - like a new producer, the talented Pål Svenre. Him finding her challenging, she takes as a compliment.
So, how do you know when enough is enough in studio, and that the songs recorded have the excellence you are renown for? "This is something you just know. On the average, we have three takes a song. With one of the songs, we had eleven takes before we were satisfied. After the last take, we knew that either it would be magic or totally uninteresting. Luckily it turned out to be the first."
Silje is tremendously proud of the new album. And she is extremely proud of having the legend Vince Mendoza (Joni Mitchell, Björk, Elvis Costello) to arrange two of her songs; ‘Paperboats’ and ‘Let Me Be Troubled’, the first and the last song on the album.
"Mendoza is a great model. What he conjures up for strings and band is simply unique. He goes right into the core of the tunes, lifts them up and enhances them. It can almost be painful listening to - painful and beautiful at the same time. This is how powerful it is."
Also on Darkness Out Of Blue, Silje is mixing genres. "I still sense that I'm falling between chairs. Between jazz and pop music. But everything I have done, is done out of my own world. My roots are many different places. I am not ruled by genres and their regulations, and I believe my strength is that I create something which is totally mine. I also feel I am gaining more and more respect for what I do."
Silje is not only an artist. She is also a mother. This is why she is strongly involved in SOS Children's Villages, and especially in a new village soon opening in Malawi. All income from the song 'Let Me Be Troubled' will go into this project. "The song is, among other things, about being dedicated. You cannot take it all in, someone said. No, we cannot take it all in, but we can be much more involved. I am not talking about sentimentality; I am talking about being open-handed with our abundance."
What about the album title Darkness Out of Blue? "Interpret it as you like," Silje grins.
(Quelle: Emarcy Records) FORMAT: CD