
Zehn Jahre Vienna Scientists Recordings. Hier werden Tiefe und Wärme des Soul gebührend gefeiert. Die Compilation bietet eine gelungene Werkschau gegenwärtiger elektronischer Musik mit Stücken von Freedom Satellite, Rodney Hunter, Stefan Obermaier, Madrid De Los Austria, Karuan, Flaer, Ed Royal, Makossa Megablast. Es lebe der Klang der Wiener Seele.
The time of waiting has come to an end! Fresh from the press plant, it is now on the sales counter, just in time for the tenth anniversary of the label: The new Vienna Scientists V. Full of warm soul, kicking funk, fresh disco beats and relaxed jazz. Dancefloor and song instead of being sampled to death, with a fondness of depth and warmth – full of fire and also of feeling, with more vocals than ever before – that’s how the Vienna label presents itself at present.
Electrifying and exhilarating tunes are the results, which are reflected in each one of the twelve tracks of this both fine and aesthetic selection. Vienna Scientists V gives an overview of the contemporary Viennese music and club culture.
The anniversary CD comprises long-standing towers of strength of the Scientist sound, such as dub master Stefan Obermaier, the cosmopolitans of Madrid de Los Austrias, legends of the brand Makossa & Megablast as well as, of course, Gernot Ebenlechner’s and Jürgen Drimal’s own artistic valve Freedom Satellite, with which the label history once started.
But it also introduces relatively new projects: The bass player Stefan Fallmann aka Flaer or the jazz musicians of Scheckter. Finally, the album surprises by featuring highlights of the genre such as Ed Royal from Innsbruck or the U.S. collective Fort Knox Five, even if the Rodney Hunter, living in Vienna for his affinity to this place, has lent a strong hand. Only the optical appearance has not changed: The cover has been designed, as usual, by the Viennese painter Mario Huber and guarantees the adequate recognition value.
Track-Info - Freedom Satellite — Astro Black (The Big Wow Mix) [3:48] *
With a hypnotic bass line, pushing beat and plots that will make you float in the air, the new Freedom Satellite act will seize you right at the start of the new album. Jürgen Drimal and Gernot Ebenlechner have attended them to the vocals of the classic jazz title „Astro Black“ of jazz avant-gardist Sun Ra and have created a tune that just won’t let you go. The rhythm will hold you spellbound and set the trend for this compilation: Let’s go to the club!
- BOOGIEWOOD — Guy Le Arch [4:47] *
The title „Guy Le Arch“ by the Viennese Boogiewood project, founded in 2003, stands right in the dubby tradition of the label. Gerald Tomez and Wolfgang „Jesse“ Linhart garnish these roots with a jazzy, easily pluckering-on groove. With guitars and flute it gives a relaxed and nonchalant feeling.
- THE FORT KNOX FIVE — Uptown Tricks (Rodney Hunter Remake) [4:05]
The tempo slightly increases with track no. 3 of the album: Rodney Hunter drives the souly original “Uptown Trick” of the U.S. collective Fort Know Five, which cannot be assigned to a specific genre, unmistakably towards the mirror ball. This irresistible remake would make even John Travolta step on the dance floor.
- ED ROYAL — Hiphop To Funk feat. BadKat & Lady Daisey [3:35]
The break beat/nu-funk producer Ed Royal from Innsbruck starts from right where the previous track ends: Old School Hip Hop meets Funk, stimulated by the fat lyrics of rapper BadKat and the smooth scat of Lady Daisey. Long live the “Four on the Floor“.
- MAKOSSA & MEGABLAST — Mama feat. 3gga [4:51]
The Viennese legends Makossa & Megablast wave the flag of their musical roots and contribute a deep, dubby act with a driving, electronic offbeat. It is refined by the African vocals of the reggae singer 3gga aka Michael Osayande from Lagos, who now lives in Vienna.
- KARUAN — Reflections Of A Poem feat. Oddateee [5:10]
With „Reflections of a Poem“, Karuan aka Karwan Marouf, the Vienna-born son of Kurdish parents, delivers a smooth funk smasher with oriental elements and a catchy guitar hook. There is no lack of cheeky raps, in this piece from the U.S. Hip Hopper Oddateee.
- MADRID DE LOS AUSTRIAS — Don’t Tell Everybody [5:18] *
Sunshine man Heinz Tronigger and the sound tinkerer and Nigel Hayes producer Michael „Pogo“ Kreiner crest the Vienna Scientists V under their moniker Madrid de los Austrias (MDLA) with a new restrained club act and increase the tempo considerably: The bass makes it absolutely clear what all this is about: Dance, baby!
- RODNEY HUNTER — Faith [7:40] **
Track number 8 has been contributed by Rodney Hunter himself. Hunter lives in Vienna because of his affinity to the city, and his title “Faith” from his recently issued “Dedications EP“ gingerly develops into a dance act pushed by driving percussions. It can be assigned to the ample House genre without a shame. The guitar is funking casually through the dance floor.
- FLAER — Dynamic [4:07] *
In the best P-Funk manner, Stefan Fallmann aka Flaer handles his bass in the, with 121 beats per minute, fastest track on this compilation: “Dynamic” is the name of this Hip Hopper, with a pleasant female voice, authentic strings and a flute that is typical for this genre. Long live disco sound!
- STEFAN OBERMAIER — Bah Mea [5:14] *
Stefan Obermaier knows how downbeat goes: “Bah Mea” from his recently issued digital Drifter EP (the 19th Vienna-Scientists release) starts with a continuous atmospherical intro. In a fine manner, Obermaier extends the tension until the dubby electrifying Latin rhythms with resonant samples break loose and there is no holding him.
- MOSQUITO FACTORY — Do It Right feat. Hubert Tubbs [6:28]
Warmth and pure soul in the lowered, almost fragile voice of the former Tower-of-Power vocalist Hubert Tubbs refine the last but one track “Do it Right”. Mosquito Factory around Robert Rehak and Gregor Nezval is a funk combo with musicians who are real masters of their instruments and really play live. And forest ranger funk is strolling quite slooooowly through the forest.
- SCHECKTER — Some Kind Of Moanin’ [5:08] *
Vienna Scientists V ends with the flawless, relaxed jazz in a project of the friskily vamping pianist Peter “PJ” Josel from Graz and his fellow musician Roman Träxler. The track “Some Kind of Moanin'” marks a finish with excellent dramaturgy, as esthetical as can be.
*) previously unreleased
**) previously unreleased on CD