Yokota, Susumu

Mother [Electronic / Dance]

RELEASE: 13.02.2009

LABEL: Lo Recordings



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Susumu Yokota has been releasing music since 1992. Originally known for his more techno inspired recordings for such labels as Harthouse and Sublime, he released the first of his more experimental albums ‘Cat Mouse And Me’ in 1996 and quickly became established as ‘one of the kings of modern mood music’. His use of intricate grooves, that quoted from acid jazz and hip hop, mixed with unusual sonic textures and motifs, signposted his future direction and yet he has always continued to explore a variety of musical styles, going far beyond the ambient tag often associated with him. Fans include Brian Eno, Philip Glass and Thom Yorke. Now with ‘Mother’ Yokota has made perhaps his most engaging album yet. Enlisting a variety of vocalists, Yokota has created in his own words an album of ‘magnificence and gentle warmth, the album has wistful yet universal feelings and power and it expresses my nostalgia, almost like a lullabye for my heart. This is why I actively included vocal tracks. I asked artists who I respect to collaborate with me to widen my own expression’: Caroline Ross, who I had collaborated with before on the Susumu Yokota & Rothko album, practices Tai Chi and is familiar with Taoism, so it worked well for both lyrics and vocal for this album. She creates a special world. Casper Clausen from Efterklang and Anna Bronsted from Our Broken Garden worked together with me, the outcome was lovely and brilliant. Their combination created wavy vibes, which resonated with each other. Nancy Elizabeth fascinated me with her album ‘Battle and Victory’ .My first plan was to ask her to sing just one track, but I ended up asking her to sing 6 tracks. Her view and image of the world brought this album to life. Nancy’s voice is nostalgic, but at the same time, I feel it has some kind of power like no other, to appeal to today’s world. Kaori is a Japanese diva. Throughout this album, her characteristic voice frequency helped to create the image and feeling of this album. The Chap a high profile artist on Lo Recordings and added their idyllic voices and touch to my album. You can find more about Yokota at Discog at Selected press quotes: “this is the sort of music you put on while you’re doing the washing up only to find it has taken control of your very soul” Ben Thompson, Mojo ‘a master of subtlety’ Uncut ‘elegant and experimental…gorgeous’ BBCi Collective “sublime” The Times “superlative” Mojo

(Quelle: MySpace Susumu Yokota, 5.2.2009)


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