
Appendix [Electronic / Dance]

RELEASE: 26.01.2007

LABEL: !K7 Records

VERTRIEB: Rough Trade



“Appendix” ist die dritte Funkstörung Remix Compilation nach “Additional Productions” (1999) und “Vice Versa” (2001) und das Ende einer ganzen Ära melodiös-knisternder Elektronik und futuristischen Hi-Tech HipHops. Nachdem sie letzten Sommer ihr 10-jähriges Jubiläum feierten, haben sich Funkstörung kürzlich aufgelöst und widmen sich jetzt Soloprojekten. Die beiden Rosenheimer Michael Fakesch und Chris de Luca gehören zu den interessantesten und einflussreichsten Musikern im elektronischen Bereich: oft verglichen mit Autechre oder Aphex Twin, aber in ihrer Art absolut unverwechselbar.

Neben ihren Remix-Compilations veröffentlichten Funkstörung auf !K7 3 Artist-Alben, verschiedene Soloprojekte sowie das DVD/Design-Book „Isolated“. Ein Funkstörung-Remix war immer mehr als einfach nur ein Remix: heraus kam ein Track, bei dem das Original nur noch in seinen Grundzügen zu erkennen war – ein komplett neues Werk im einzigartigen Funkstörung-Sound.

Das englische Magazin „DJ“ schrieb dazu einmal: "when the originals get the Funkstörung treatment you can be sure they´ll have their own unique sound. It´s a masterpiece that only few remixers are capable of" (DJ)”. Für „Appendix“ ist es gelungen, Remixe für hochkarätige Artists aus den Jahren 1998 bis 2005 zu versammeln, darunter BJÖRK, LAMB, TOWA TEI, RAVEONETTES und NILS PETTER MOLVAER.

(Quelle: Rough Trade)

1992: It all begins with a series of techno parties organized by young events manager Michael Fakesch (born in 1975). He hires Chris de Luca (born in 1974) as DJ, the only record spinner in the area around Bavarian Rosenheim at the time, where they both still live today. The parties go down well. Fakesch and de Luca invest in Roland 303 and 808 analog synthesizers in order to pursue their own musical ambitions.

1994: The first finished tracks arrive at Unit Moebius in The Hague. A recording contract for six releases on Bunker Records / Acid Planet is agreed upon. Countless minimalist acid, techno and electro tracks circle in turning loops until 1995 because the label had run out of money for pressings.

1996: Fakesch and de Luca call themselves Funkstörung and found their own label, Musik aus Strom (MAS) (Music from Electricity). With a sound that they themselves describe as "funky but distorted", they do their wisely chosen alias great credit. The name Funkstörung is soon heard being whispered among international train spotters. Two EPs appear in 1997 on Michael Reinboth's Compost Records and another on Chocolate Industries in the USA. The Rosenheim cellar studio is digitized, the first computer is ordered.

1998: Remixers are sought for Wu-Tang Clan and Funkstörung get their chance. Almost simultaneously, there's a message from Björk. She wants a Funkstörung remix of "All is full of love". There follows are whole flood of remix contracts from all over the world. Funkstörung's sound evolves into an original electronic doctrine of fragments using hundreds of effects. A label deal with !K7 Records is announced. In 1999, the first big remix compilation, "Additional Productions" appears worldwide on the Berlin record label. Funkstörung can now live from making music. Michael Fakesch releases his solo album "Marion" on Musik aus Strom.

2000: "Appetite for Disctruction", Funkstörung's first artist album, appears on !K7. The two guys from Rosenheim are cultivating their very own listenable style from cracking melodious electronica and futuristic hi-tech hip hop featuring MCs and female vocalists. The Designers Republic make a video clip for the track "Grammy Winners". There's a big tour through Europe, USA and Japan. The second remix album, "Vice Versa", appears in 2001. It's pop-like sound adds a surprising innovation to the Funkstörung repertoire. Chris de Luca records the album Deadly Wiz Da Disko with Peabird, which appears on !K7 in the following year.

2002: Jay Jay Johanson engages Funkstörung as co-producers of his new album, Antenna, which appears on BMG. Fakesch sifts through the accumulated demo material for Musik aus Strom and puts together the label compilation "MAS_Confusion", which appears on !K7 in 2003. In the same year, work is commenced on a new album. An American tour is completed. Musical links with about thirty musicians worldwide are established. The new musical focus is working with instrumentalists and vocalists.

2004: Funkstörung's second artist album, "Disconnected", appears in March on !K7 Records.

(Quelle: !K7 Records)


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