Schuller, SebastianEvenfall [Pop]RELEASE: 09.10.2009LABEL: Village VertVERTRIEB: Alive!WEBSITE:
Zweites Album des in Philadelphia und Paris lebenden Musikers, der als Songwriter Indie & Pop virtuos mischt. Melancholischer Sound mit dezenten elektronischen Momenten, dessen verträumte Arbeit an die magischen Kompositionen eines Tim Burton erinnern. Schwebend melodischer Pop, kristallklare Stimme. Produziert hat es Yann Arnaud (Air, Syd Matter) Sebastien Schuller ist ein klassisch ausgebildeter Perkussionist, der sich auf anspruchsvolle, elektronische Musik spezialisiert hat. Akustische Klänge veredelt er mit raffinierter Elektronika. Long trips and major albums have in common the ability to push back the boundaries of the fantasy world, allowing shared emotions with strangers and brightening up the familiar, banality of everyday life by painting new experiences. From his debut in 2002 ("Weeping Willow", his first remarkable and noted Ep) Sébastien Schuller has worked on building a repertoire, void of any musical and geographical confines. Happily exploring electronic or more acoustic sounds, between pop songs or ambient instrumentals, "Happiness" has set its mark as one of the most original albums of 2005, and was praised by many successful reviews. As the months and years went by, Sebastien Schuller pursued his own artistic quest, spending his time between Philadelphia and Paris, discovering and meeting as many people as he could, especially while performing and supporting the release of his first album ( at "La route du Rock" and Montreux festivals in France…). His impressionist songs, ideally suited to the imaginary world, allow him to rub shoulders with another art form: the cinema. Franck Guerin trusted Sebastien to write the soundtrack for "Un jour d'été" (A summer's day), and a few tracks from "Happiness" also inspired film directors such as Ernesto Contreras (Parpados Azules), John August (The Nines) or Dan Reed (Straightheads). His return trips across the Atlantic also affected his musical work. As "Evenfall" now sounds strongly impregnated with a distant communion with a new family of remote American cousins, this up-and-coming generation of musicians for which the paving of genres and styles matters far less that the pursuit of unparalleled experiences. This new unbiased Union of Free Art exchanges and walks up a creative path freed from dogma. Sufjan Stevens, Animal Collective, Beirut…Just like them, Sébastien Schuller has now dropped the last anchor that held him to the electro safety place of his beginnings. This second album showcases a variety of sounds and feelings even broader than on his previous effort as it is very strongly subjugated by organic sounds and a vocal signature more clearly present. In addition it also benefits from external contributions (Richard Parry and Sarah Neufeld from Arcade Fire with their side project the Bell Orchestra on the sumptuous strings notes of "Open Organ", produced whilst playing an Exquisite Corpse for the Cabaret Walter label) as well as from the use of original instruments (oboe, clarinet, flute, harmonium, vibraphone, brass section). Despite the same impressive touch of melodic purity, this light melancholic feel and the grasp of musical atmospheres, that defined "Happiness", this new diversity of landscapes pictured along the way is staggering and disorienting: The sensitive morning promenade of "Morning Mist", the radiant and sunny ambling of "The Border", and especially the moonlight walk on "Midnight", which returns us to more familiar environments. (Quelle: Alive!, 2009) FORMAT: CD
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