
High Slang [Pop]
WEBSITE: www.sergeantbuzfuz.com
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“High Slang the fourth album from electric folk quadruplet Sergeant Buzfuz promises to be their most successful yet. Blending an awe inspiring instrumental with poetic and story-telling lyrics on each and every song its difficult to be even remotely bored by this band.
Lead man Joe Murphy sounds like a modern day Leonard Cohen and his raspy lyrics are reminiscent of the likes of Morrissey, perhaps even Dylan. Great praise for Murphy himself but for me the real driving force behind the album is the music itself, the way in which four people (and the occasional guest) can sound like a full orchestra is awesome and shows true talent and confidence in their ability. Tracks like "Here Come The Popes Part 3" and "Kisses from the Sickbed" show the band in their full glory and the lyrics are catchy, witty and enjoyable. Anyone who is a fan of the current day folk revival should listen to the band’s new album as an example of true passion and enthusiastic talent” (Music-Zine)
"Somewhere between the points defined by the eclectic folk eccentricity of the Incredible String Band and John Cooper Clark's stream of punk poet consciousness" (Burton Mail)
"brings to mind Leonard Cohen in a snug bar or a more loveable Chumbawamba. Murphy's raspy vocals also conjure up the spirit of Strummer and many of these songs could be off some alternative Sandinista! (The West Briton)
"a classmate of the likes of Morrisey and Jarvis Cocker" (Warwickshire and Worcestershire Herald)
(Quelle: MySpace Sergeant Buzfuz, 4.3.2009)
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