
WEBSITE: horsetheband.com
HORSE the band is five stellar gods running from a haunted future they can't possibly forget. Formed on the mean streets of Los Angeles in 2027 A.D. the members of H the B began to create their exotic sound to fight the past and recreate the future. HORSE the band's music has won them many accolades for energy and originality. Often referred to as 'nintendo-core' because of their spastic and glorious brutality they prefer to strike out and create their own unique sounds each time they manifest their powers.
1. Hyperborea
2. Murder
3. The Startling Secret Of Super Sapphire
4. The Beach
5. Face Of Bear
6. Crickets
7. New York City
8. Sex Raptor
9. Broken Trail
10. The Red Tornado
11.Treasure Train
12.His Purple Majesty
13. Kangarooster Meadows
14.Rotting Horse
15. I Think We Are Both Suffering From The Same Crushing Metaphysical Crisis
16. Lif
(Quelle: Plastic Head) FORMAT: CD