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 Public EnemyHow You Sell Soul To A Souless... [HipHop / Rap]
„Sie sind wieder da, sie waren nie weg und zu ihrem 20-jährigen Jubiläum schenken sie ihren über die gesamte Welt verteilten Fans solche Granaten-Tracks wie „Harder Than You Think“. – Olaf Karnik in Spex # 311 über das Album des Monats “How You Sell ... MORE |
 Public Enemy
Public Enemy has again followed suit in bringing its music, words, imagery and meaning to the world. The highly influential Long Island New Yorkers have been together for 20 years and delivered a barrage of classic albums awash with ... MORE |
 Public Enemy
One of the most influential and controversial rap groups of the last century is set to once again blow up the spot with their latest offering, the completely Paris written and produced "Rebirth Of A Nation". The newest LP features original members ... MORE |
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