FaustSomething Dirty [Deutsch RockPop]RELEASE: 28.01.2011LABEL: Bureau BVERTRIEB: IndigoWEBSITE:
Genau 40 Jahre nach ihrem Debüt legen Faust ein weiteres typisches Album vor: inspirierend, innovativ, unvorhersehbar, grenzüberschreitend, anarchisch – faustisch. „something dirty" ist definitiv ein Meilenstein in der langen Historie dieser weltberühmten Hamburger Musik-Institution. "There is no group more mythical than Faust." Thus wrote English musician and eccentric Julian Cope in his classic of the genre, “Krautrocksampler”. Which says it all really, neither the habitus nor the music of the six piece Hamburg group is easy to grasp. Whilst some lauded Faust as the best thing that ever happened to rock, others dismissed them as shameless Dilettantes. Their collage of Dadaism, avantgarde rock and free improvisation radically divided opinion. Their legend was built on the fact that, in the early days, they addressed the media through their producer and manager Uwe Nettelbeck (1940–2006). Precious little was known about the musicians themselves. When the first LP was unleashed on the world in 1971, Faust were very much the prophet in his own land, as the saying goes: few were interested in listening to their music – in Germany. Not so across the Channel: this is where Faust’s career really kickstarted. These monoliths of avant-garde rock sold a phenomenal 100,000 copies of their third album “The Faust Tapes”, one of the first releases of the Virgin label, then in its infancy. Now that Krautrock has been revived, thanks to the efforts of bands such as Stereolab and Tortoise in the Nineties, Faust have become one of the biggest names to drop. Worldwide. Their concerts in the USA, Middle East, Japan and Europe are invariably sold out. Since 2007, the line-up of the Krautrock legend has comprised founder members Jean-Hervé Peron and Zappi Diermaier, the English musician James Johnston, founder of the brutish blues rockers Gallon Drunk and long-standing member of Nick Cave & the Bad Seeds, plus the English painter, filmmaker, author and musician Geraldine Swayne. On their latest album, "something dirty" the creativity and musical ideas of these four personalities coalesce into a perfect symbiosis of sound. It is at once hypnotic, repetitive, melodic, exhilarating, psychedelic, menacing, dadaist, ethereal. Johnston's guitar saws its way through Diermaier's archaic beats, harmonically enriched by Peron's powerful bass and Swayne's psychedelic keyboards. Time and again, Faust revisit their avant-garde roots, experimenting with voices and unusual instruments. (A flamethrower and goat hooves can be detected in their arsenal of sonic sources.) Best of all, however, Faust have succeeded in reproducing the raw energy and roughness of their live performances on "something dirty". Breathtaking stuff! (Quelle: bureau b, 30.11.2010) FORMAT: CD
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