MarioTurning Point [Soul, Funk, R'n'B]RELEASE: 02.05.2009LABEL: J RecordsVERTRIEB: SonyBMGWEBSITE:
Dieser junge Mann schrieb vor kurzem US-Chartgeschichte: Mit der neuen Rekordmarke von 184,6 Millionen Radio-Hörern in einer Woche überbot der 18jährige R&B-Shootingstar den bisherigen Spitzenwert von 172 Millionen Hörern des Usher-Hits "Yeah!" aus dem vergangenen Jahr. Damit ist "Let Me Love You" die erfolgreichste Single aller Zeiten in den USA und hat auch sofort im Anschluss ihren Siegeszug um die Welt begonnen. Auch in Deutschland explodierte der Song geradezu in den Airplaycharts und enterte die Top 10. One cannot deny their destiny, regardless of what path they take. Oftentimes, the realization of one's destiny is a time consuming, difficult quest, even when destined for greatness. Mario is one of the few that recognized their gifts very early on as he commenced his journey to success and greatness as a toddler.Born in Baltimore, MD and now residing in New Jersey, Mario has wanted to sing since he was 4 years old. He honed his gifts singing along with a karaoke machine and plunking out melodies on the piano his mother bought him. By the time he was in elementary school Mario was developing harmonies, constructing melodies and finding inspiration in a range of artists including Stevie Wonder, Brian McKnight, Usher and Joe. As a young teen, Mario was a regular contestant in talent shows. These frequent competitions helped greatly in turning his boyhood dreams and career aspirations into reality. Mario signed to 3rd Street/ J Records and immediately began work on his infectious debut; one that showcased label mate Alicia Keys, who declared Mario's voice is "one of the most beautiful I've ever heard". Mario's first single "Just a Friend 2002", off his debut and self-titled album, shot up the charts and the video featuring Biz Markie was a fixture on BET and MTV rotations. The positive attention and response from critics, fans and peers alike, was pleasantly surprising to Mario. All listeners were quick to praise his superlative singing and appeal. "I didn't know people would accept it. God was on my side and I thank him every day for the blessing." The newfound exposure lead to greater opportunities to showcase his talent to the world. Soon after his debut, Mario hit the road as the opening act for Bow-Wow and followed by being part of the Scream 3 Tour, which also boasted B2K, Nick Cannon and Marques Houston. "Being on tour taught me how to handle the stage on my own and now I'm ready to do it again. I'm excited."Mario's sophomore CD is entitled Turning Point and is more than just an R&B album as it is also the follow-up to one of 2002's biggest surprises. Mario was just 15 years old when "Just a Friend 2002" was released but seems confident in how his age and personal growth have affected his work. When asked if he's concerned with making the segue from boyhood to manhood, Mario was forthright. "Any changes that have taken place between that album and this one have all been natural. I didn't have anybody saying to me, this is what you're going to do. This is what your image is going to be now. It wasn't made up. What everybody is hearing right now is me. It's all natural."Mario sounds like a well seasoned, veteran artist when he addresses his approach to recording his new album. "When I went into the studio I wasn't thinking about the last album. I was just thinking about the future, where I'm at now and even where I want to be a year or two from now. I was thinking about how I want people to see me as an artist. On Turning Point I decided to just do what I felt because if you plan stuff out too much you can mess up what's real." In an industry that has seen its share of baby stars, Mario's dedication to his art and appreciation for his accomplishments is noteworthy. "I think the thing that I've really noticed is that I'm starting to understand what it really means to appreciate family, people, relationships, my fans and life, period. The success I had was so unexpected. I didn't really get a chance to think about it, I just did what I did and didn't say, oh now I have a hit record. I was just being myself."With plans to attend college, a role in the feature film "Destination Fame" and hopes of more acting opportunities on the horizon, Mario's future is bright as is his outlook. Asked what Turning Point offers his fans and Mario replies, "I'm letting everybody know that I'm creative, controversial and not stuck on one thing. I'm ready to do it all." (Quelle: J-Records)
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