
Cult [Hard / Heavy]

RELEASE: 26.09.2008

LABEL: Fullsteam Records

VERTRIEB: Rough Trade


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The album consists of ten songs of Medeia at its best: gloomy, hard-hitting yet still melodic attacks of alternative death-metal. Lyrically the band continues from the nuclear devastation that ended the QHWD album and dives deep into the minds of the few surviving beings. The leftovers of the human race are forming an ecstatic suicidal cult that exists to make sure that no other pitiful excuse for intelligence will ruin the planet again.

Medeia was founded in 2002 with a clear mission from the very beginning: to concentrate solely on creating a brutal sound uncompromising in nature and rich in content. Their self-financed, self-produced and now sold-out debut album "Quantum Holocaust: World Domination" was released in the summer of 2006 and has since received solely positive reviews.

In the summer of 2007 Medeia began to seek co-operating parties to work with on their future full-length releases. After discussions with Fullsteam Records the search was clearly over, and in early 2008 Medeia and Fullsteam Records announced the recording deal. Medeia is also in close co-operation with Finnish Nem-Booking and German Avocado Booking to reach live audiences in Scandinavia, Baltic countries and Europe. Medeia has already released limited edition self-titled CD-EP and the "Cult" album master is also ready.

Medeia's current line-up got its form in early 2007 when Keijo Niinimaa (Rotten Sound) joined as the lead vocalist of the band. After that the band has showcased their aural battery alongside acts such as Entombed, As I Lay Dying and Terror and also had their own Finnish headliner tour to promote the EP release in May of 2008. Medeia's live performance has always been one of the cornerstones of the band as their raw energy has dropped jaws all over Finland and will continue to do so outside of Finland after the album release.

The "Cult" album, the CD-EP, Fullsteam Records, Nem-Booking and Avocado Booking among with many new accomplishments to come will make sure that the year 2008 will be the year of Medeia.

(Quelle: Fullsteam Records, Juni 2008)


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